Employment Litigation

Shehzad Rajwani
Principal Attorney
PHONE: 508-393-9244
Shehzad Rajwani is an employment and business litigation attorney.
Mr. Rajwani believes in the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. He gets to know his clients’ businesses in order to assist them in complying with both federal and Massachusetts employment laws. Mr. Rajwani also represents clients in litigation and arbitration proceedings involving breaches of contract, including non-competition and non-solicitation agreements, partnership disputes, and business torts.
Explore the breadth of Harbor Law Group's practice areas
Employment Law and Litigation
Insights, opinions and decisions you should know about

Understanding the Massachusetts Prevailing Wage Law’s Potential Impact on Employers, Employees, and Contractors
The Massachusetts Prevailing Wage Law (“Prevailing Wage Law”) for public works projects establishes the minimum wage rates that must be paid to laborers on various public projects. Public construction projects can include, among other things, additions and alterations...

Department of Labor Raises the Salary Threshold for the Overtime Exemption
On May 18, 2016 the Department of Labor updated the salary requirements for the executive, administrative, and professional overtime exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). The new rule, which goes into effect on December 1, 2016, raises the...

Overtime Requirements, Independent Contractor Classification, and Safe Practices for Massachusetts Businesses
By Shehzad Rajwani and Lucia Passanisi In our practice representing both businesses and employees, we regularly see reoccurring issues when it comes to wage and hour violations. Often well-meaning employers find themselves defending a lawsuit with the potential for...

How Do I Defend a Patent Lawsuit?
The Top 5 Ways to Defend Your Company in Patent Infringement Litigation You discover that your company has been sued for patent infringement. After reviewing the patent cited in the complaint, you determine that the technology described relates to your company’s...
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